From now on, for each transfer of either real estate or independent divided property (for example, an apartment in an apartment building), a “certificate of completeness” is required.
The electronic building passport, which was optionally introduced on January 1, becomes mandatory from today.
This is a database with all the elements of the country’s buildings, that is, their real – current state.
Thus, from today, for each transfer of either real estate or independent divided property (for example, an apartment in an apartment building), it is required to have a “certificate of completeness”.
This replaces the “traditional” engineer certificate and confirms the entry of the data required for the e-passport into the corresponding e-register.
Electronic passport of the building
With every transfer of real estate, private engineers are responsible for submitting an electronic passport of the building / independent shared property, that is, an electronic file with a number of digital documents.
Based on the decrees of the Ministry, signed by the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Nikos Tagaras, the launch of the Electronic Register is envisaged, the process of registration of buildings / independent separated objects on the digital platform of the electronic passport of the building with the necessary supporting documents is determined, as well as the time for updating the data, the form, as well as technical e-Passport specifications and Building / Independent Shared Ownership Passport Completeness Certificate.
Thanks to the electronic passport of the building / independent shared property through the electronic TEE platform, all the necessary data and information about the property is collected in one certificate, in the certificate of completion, resulting in:
- It becomes possible to prevent the creation of new arbitrary buildings.
- There is a protection of the property of citizens, since all changes in ownership will be recorded. Thus, transparency of legal transactions (translations) is achieved.
- The bureaucracy is drastically reduced, as the citizen-owner, who has a digital “X-ray” of his property, does not need to rush to get any documents in government services. Now, with a few clicks on the computer, he will be able to obtain the necessary information (for example, title deeds, building permits, declaration of ownership in the Land Registry, etc.).
- The state receives an inventory of its properties with important information (static adequacy, structural vulnerability, etc.) so that the required interventions can be planned.
- There is an acceleration of investments, as in the case of digitized information about real estate (buildings or plots / land), the time of their research and verification by potential investors is sharply reduced.
What does the building passport include?
Electronic file, i.e. building passport, includes the following documents in digital format:
- building permit (with modifications, if any) of the building in which the divided property is located
- plans accompanying the building permit
- Energy efficiency certificate of divided property
- building inspection report (if issued)
- Declarations of compliance with laws suspending the application of sanctions against arbitrary
- floor plans depicting the divided property in its actual state, if not visible from the data in cases 1, 2 and 5
- structural vulnerability sheet or technical report of static inspection or static adequacy study
- a table of millimeters and a study of the distribution of building costs, if any.
Step by step process
The filling process is carried out necessarily by an engineer who is responsible and controls what is declared and mentioned in the documents provided to him by the citizen concerned.
Registration of an E-Passport of a building or E-Passport of an Independent Divided Property is carried out in 2 main stages:
- Registration of the land / field and
- Registration of property
Extract from the passport of the building / divided property
After entering all the required data for both the plot / field and the property, the authorized engineer issues an extract from the Building / Independent Divided Property Passport containing the unique building / divided property identification code and the Authentication Key.
In essence, a checkout is a record of the technical file of the property with all its details.
Building / Divided Ownership Passport Completion Certificate
After the excerpt, the authorized engineer requests the issuance of a Certificate of Completion of the Building / Divided Property Passport. Thus, the Certificate of Completeness includes a “summary” of the details of the Excerpt, as well as the engineer’s confirmation that the property has or does not have arbitrariness or whether they have been settled.
It is specified that the Certificate of Completeness of the Building / Independent Divided Property Passport is issued for the property that is the subject of the transfer. In objects with the establishment of divided ownership, for example, in apartment buildings, the Passport of the building as a whole is displayed as a generalization of the Extracts of all independent objects and common parts. Its validity period is 2 months from the date of issue, which coincides with the date of opening. The building / shared ownership passport certificate has a unique number and an authenticity key. In fact, the Certificate of Completeness is a document that will be used in all legal acts provided for by the relevant legislation.
Obligations for the electronic building passport have:
1) All new buildings and individual real estate objects for which new construction permits are issued, as well
2) Old buildings at the time of their transfer.
3) Arbitrary buildings for extending applications.
According to Law 4495/2017, old buildings are divided into two categories for the Electronic Passport of buildings:
Category 1
- Buildings owned by the state, local authorities and NPDD, as well as buildings that house their services
- Public buildings (theaters, cinemas, event halls, conference centers, exhibition buildings), including libraries, museums, sports facilities, MMM transfer stations
- Gas stations, garages or car washes
- Accommodation for tourists over 300 sq.m.
- Public and private buildings of preschool, primary, secondary and higher education
- Hospitals, health centers, clinics, health and mental health centers, nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools, nursing homes, institutions for chronic patients, institutions for the disabled
- Detention centers and special isolation wards for minors
Note: for the above-mentioned buildings of the 1st category, there is a 5-year reserve for registration of the Electronic Passport of the building.
Category 2
This category includes all other buildings and free-standing objects, regardless of their use.
For these buildings, the declaration is made upon transfer of the building or separate divided property, and the corresponding declaration must be attached to the contract.
In all of the above cases, there is an obligation to provide an Electronic Building Passport after any intervention or modification work on the building / horizontal or vertical subdivided section, which requires a building permit or government approval for minor works. This ensures that the Electronic Register is kept up to date in a timely and reliable manner.