The so-called digital map is heading towards completion where everyone will be able to know what and where they can build.
The project, which is run by the Technical Chamber (TEE), is expected to be completed within the next 6 months.
Through the digital project, the creation of an integrated information system is promoted, which will collect, systematize and integrate digital geospatial information maintained by different bodies of public administration and electronic governance and regarding the status of ownership, construction, exploitation or even protection of real estate, with the aim of making it interoperably available through a single online platform.
Its aim is to improve and expand the service to the citizen, public and private entities and investors, through the creation of integrated “one-stop” services for financial and investment activities, related to building in the fields of Tourism, Production-Business Activities, Development of Public Real Estate and Housing. At the same time, it will contribute to the efficiency of the respective public body, providing all the information needed for the correct decision-making, the more rational management of financial and human resources, as well as the implementation of corrective and development actions, in order to achieve the strategic directions.
The project utilizes all the necessary data to facilitate business activity, such as: a) building conditions and restrictions, b) land uses. c) town plans, d) cadastral parcels, e) forest lands, f) areas of the Natura 2000 network or special habitat protection areas, g) coastal, beach and port zones, h) protected areas. This information will contribute to the faster licensing of business activities, the reduction of bureaucracy and better service to citizens.
According to the President of TEE G. Stasinos the new digital map will cover 80% of the country and the goal is that any citizen, engineer or investor, from his home or office, with the push of a button on his computer , to get complete, valid and institutionally safe information, with the force of an administrative act, about what is allowed, what is prohibited, under what terms and conditions, in order to build what interests him.